- “We just need more people to know who we are.”
- “We’re old school and we need to be new school.”
- “I don’t know where to find more clients.”
- “We sell a commodity. I need a reason for people to pick us.”
- “I’ve been focused on other things…sales are down and I need to get them back up.”
- “Competitors are ripping us off...copying everything we do.”
- “Our website is so out of date. It’s embarrassing.”
- “We’re not doing a great job selling ourselves.”
- “A new company is stealing clients, but they're not very good.”
- “Recruiting is a big challenge right now.”
- “Our marketing isn’t working…I don’t know why…or how to fix it.”
- “Our sales process is long and complicated…it’s hard to keep prospects engaged.”
- “My team’s asking for sales videos…something they can use with leads.”
- “The sales team is really inconsistent...a few reps are crushing it but the rest aren't.”
- “How do we stay relevant and in front of past customers?”